Thursday, March 13, 2014

Day 3 - Where are my Documents and Files?

When you create Documents using Google Drive, they are automatically stored for you in your Documents and Files list. You can access them at any time from any computer without having to worry about emailing them to yourself or carrying them around on a thumb drive! Here's how:

  1. If you're not already there, go to your Google Drive by clicking the "Grid" icon at the top of the screen
  2. You will find your Documents and Files in the list. Each type of document or file has it's own style of icon to help you tell them apart
  3. Click on a Document or File to open it
  4. You can sort the list of Documents and Files by clicking on one of the Headings at the top of the list
  5. You can also use the Search box at the top of the screen to search for a specific Document or File
There are many other ways to organize and search for your Documents and Files within Google Drive. We'll touch on some of these more advanced tips later on during the 21 Day Challenge.

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